Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chemo treatment #13 & Scan Results

Only 9 more weeks of Chemotherapy left and 2 actual infusions. TWO infusions. Did you read that? TWO! The end IS in sight. I can see it!

Isaac did awesome today, partially because we are now out of isolation, so no more closets. No more door codes. No more claustrophobia for Mommy. We now are in little "cubby" type rooms, with small 6 foot walls dividing each room. No doors, just curtains. It sorta looks like an E.R. setting.

I took him in his blue car. We had to actually wait in the waiting room.

The nurse took us back after about 10 minutes, and got his weight. 10.8 kg (23.8 pounds)! That is the most he has ever weighed. He has been eating and drinking great, which is a blessing. He had Mommy worried crazy for the first 8 weeks. I am thankful that he has made a change in the right direction.

His other nurse came in and started his Zofran (5 mg). It dripped over 15 minutes, then Mary came in to see us. She was quite surprised to see how well he is doing. Oh, and we got the results of his scans... NED! No Evidence of Disease!! I'm so happy. He will have additional scans at the end of treatment in June, which includes an abdominal ultrasound, chest xray, CT scan and possible MRI.

After Mary left, his nurse was back to administer his Dactinomycin and Vincristine-2.

We do not have to go back for 3 weeks.


  1. I am beyond happy and excited for you! God Bless that little sweetheart.

  2. God bless. Are you getting help with the chemo drugs? I know it was (still is) expensive with co pays found a few company's that can help. contact me at again God bless
