Get into the room, and she takes his bp: 106/76 - awesome!

A different NP, whom I have never met before comes in. Sorry to be so blunt, but she was not the brightest light on the block. She made me really nervous, as it seemed like she did not know what she was doing. She comes in with a mask, and asks why we are wearing them... I mean... there is a sign outside the door and it's everywhere in his chart! She does not even gown up, and she is talking to me with the mask hanging halfway off her face. Umm... okay!! She then just continues to ask some goofball questions.
Anyhow, she leaves eventually, and his nurse comes in with her box of tricks.

She draws labs, and proceeds to infuse his Vincristine. I mentioned to the NP that Isaac has been extremely queasy, so she orders a IV push of Zofran. The nurse did not have the Zofran ready or anything to tape down his port site, so I had to sit there with him - in all needle glory - with him thrashing and screaming for 15 minutes while she "ran" to get something to tape it down. Holy hell. It's not easy trying to hold a 9-month-old on your lap and keep his hands from grabbing at his line.. oh.. and the syringe of Saline hanging from it. He was MAD. All the while, another lady comes in and offers us to participate in another clinical trial, so while she is explaining what and why's, her words are going in one ear and out the other while I hold down my screaming Mimi. I think she took the hint, and told me she would leave the paperwork for me to take home and read myself.
On the downside, his ANC levels have fallen to 2,000. On January 26th, they were at 4,600. Anything under 1,500 will put his chemotherapy at a temporary halt. He goes back in for blood counts on Tuesday, to determine if he will receive chemo on Wednesday (A & V).
Hope all is as well as it can be. I hope Isaac's ANC levels stabilize ((HUGS)) Praying