Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sleep and Appetite

You lose some, but you gain some.

Sleep seems to be non-existent. We are both (Mommy & Isaac) running on fumes at this point. Exhausted! He wakes up it seems every hour, whining, tossing and turning. I just wish he could tell me what he is feeling so I could try and make it better.

Appetite has improved greatly within the past 3 days. He has eaten so much more than what he has been in the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I do not expect this to continue since he will be receiving both V & A this Wednesday, but I am happy he is stocking up on calories for now.

Poo has been great! No more than 1-2 a day. An awesome improvement!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you and little isaac get some much needed Zzz's soon. I'm glad to hear that his appetite has improved. Oh! and happy belated 10 month birthday Isaac!
