Urologist came in today around 11:30 am, along with the social worker from Oncology. No new news, but we have a surgery date : Wednesday, December 23 at 8:30 a.m.
Also, we hit a small bump in the road. Isaac tested positive for MRSA. We are not sure how he got it, or if he has the actual infection or if it is "colonized". They will most likely start him on antibiotics soon.
Meanwhile, he is sitting in his crib, playing with his toys happily. He likes the loud noise the metal crib makes when he bangs his toys against it.
They gave him a IV dose of Rocephin for the MRSA. Everyone comes in wearing a yellow gown, and a mask. I have to wear a yellow gown only.
We moved back down to the Oncology floor at 7:00 p.m.

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