Lots of random MD's come in. Most of them I am guessing just want to see him quickly and to get a feel at his tumor which is somewhat annoying. They do not really let you ask any questions. The nurses here are awesome. Such a great bunch of ladies - very compassionate. Everyone who comes in - Dr's and nurses - comment on his big bright eyes.
The lab lady came to draw blood for surgery tomorrow. Turned into a complete disaster. She poked him in the forearm, and started to draw blood. All of a sudden, I noticed that area below his bicep started to swell quickly. I asked the lady, "why is his arm swelling?!" Her response? "Uh, I don't know?" Oh, perfect. So, she removed the needle, then removed turnaqet. She still needed one vial of blood. She went out and called the lab and asked if she could do a finger poke to get the rest of the blood. They said okay. So, she comes back in and pokes his little finger. All hell broke loose. He started bleeding like crazy. The lab lady was getting so nervous, and could not keep up with all the blood that was coming out. She was saying, "oh my gosh, he is bleeding so much!" She was freaking myself and Gilmer out. Mind you, Gilmer is holding Isaac, and blood is dripping on the floor, on him - everywhere. She tells me to go and get a nurse. I call in the nearest nurse I see, and she helps us out. The blood was flowing.
THEN - Mister Isaac somehow pulled out his IV. He was receiving his last dose of Rocephin, and we noticed a little red wet spot in his crib, but were not sure where it was from. Gilmer was holding him on the rocking chair, and he felt something dripping. The drip turned into a blood waterfall. One of the really nice MD's came in and fixed us all up. But, the blood, oh the blood. We have seen a lot of blood today. Mommy went to take a shower while they re-inserted another IV. I was at the point of another break down and could not stay while they poked my baby for what it seemed to be the 100th time.
Last blood pressure was 125/87 at 5:52 p.m. Speaking of blood pressure, Isaac absolutely hates it. He fights it with all his mite.
His evening nurse gave him a nice, much needed sponge bath. I wanted him to be clean for surgery tomorrow, since we would not be bathing him again for the next few days.

look at him...he looks so happy. poor lil guy!!! hes strong dont worry bradi he'll pull through it...hes a kelley!!!